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Looking back at 2013 – A review of photography trips and favorite photographs

It seems to be a theme these days to do a review of the previous year once we have entered the new year. 2014 is looking to be a busy year with lots of trips planned including a 2 week tour of Iceland along with trips to Ireland and back to the Scottish Highlands. 2014 will also be the year that I take on more freelance work (both landscape and digital imaging/marketing work) so plan to dedicate more time to the business side of my photography and continue on the growth within 2013.

I have just upgraded to the Nikon D7100 which will be (I hope) the camera that will be my keeper for a number of years I did hope that my D7000 would be the perfect camera but a few niggles forced me to be make the small jump to the newer model, these were mainly due to the well reported focusing issues.

2013 was eventful and difficult for a number of reasons but I managed to get out and take quite a few new Photographs on a number of trips around the British Isles and this year saw me spend full weeks in the Cairngorms National Park, Paris and also down on the bottom tip of Cornwall at Lands End. These trips proved to be very successful photographically and have helped me build my portfolio from a number of new areas.

During 2013 there were a number of firsts for me including having images published in Countryfile Magazine and also images included on national news websites, in Outdoor Leisure magazines, within a worldwide travel publication and also images in geography related educational textbooks.

I have chosen 15 images from this year that I am particularly happy with and a set of images which I hope together sum up my experiences in the past year. May this coming year be kind to you all and I thank you for the continued support through visits to this site and interaction and sharing on my social media channels.

Best Wishes, Nick