Review of the year - 2023

As another year draws to a close, I’ve been back through the images taken this year to organise and upload them to my stock portfolio and have started updating this website with new imagery. I’ve taken more images this year than I have for the past few years and have really enjoyed exploring new techniques in camera and in the editing suite.

At the start of 2023 we made the decision to get back out and into the countryside more and re-connect with friends and have enjoyed may weekends away in the UK throughout the year. We managed trips to all corners of the British Isles putting a lot of miles on the car. The weather has been strange this year experiencing a wet winter with late snow, a warm and sunny spring but a long grey and drizzly summer. We tend to plan our trips out of season in the spring and autumn, we’ve been very lucky with the weather whilst we’ve been away, sunbathing by a loch in Scotland in early May in unseasonably warm temperatures and beautifully warm autumn walks in the Cotswolds.

Other personal highlights this year include winning ‘brand campaign of the year’ at the Sheffield Business Awards with my team at the day job, a proud moment for me and my team. We bought a new second car in April, a naturally aspirated hot hatch, one of the last available for a bit of old school Japanese motoring.

Calendar sales continues to be a success, I’m so glad people take such pleasuring with the calendars, it makes the effort that goes into taking the photos and making these all worthwhile. My greetings card packs also still continue to be popular on Etsy, perhaps it is time to develop the Etsy store a little more during 2024.

Christmas has been a time for family and reflection as we move into a milestone year were I will be hitting 40 years old. Now is the time to look on the journey so far, take stock of achievements which I often forget about and look forward to the next 10 years and how that might look, perhaps time for a shakeup?

Below is a group of my favourite images from the year, click on the image to view full screen >


Cairngorms - 40th Birthday Celebrations (February 2024)


Capturing the Autumn Splendour: A Photographic Journey through the Cotswolds